Release 2024-07-30
· One min read
- Allows usage of several views without logging in
- Task Graph
- Task List
- Item List
- Item Wishlist
- Task grid now shows Required column instead of Kappa column.
- This column will reflect if the task is required for the character's selected target task which is often collector (for kappa)
- Dashboard Upcoming Keys moved into tabular format
- Item grid Task grid and Dashboard grids resized
- Task grid QoL update
- Reset grid button
- Text to notify user when filters are limiting the data in view
- Removed UI blocking data loads for app initialization (the data is still being loaded at this time it just no longer blocks the UI this makes the app feel faster for users)
- Links in task grid updated to match link style of dashboard
- Dashboard now has Tarkov raid times
- Dashboard UI layout updates
- Dashboard can now manage quest key progress
- Fixes an issue with co-requisite tasks.
- Dashboard upcoming keys sort order updated to match task priority system