Release 2024-12-30
· One min read
- Tasks can now be ignored, read more about this new task state here: Tasks
- UI updates in the Task Graph, Task List and Dashboard views
- [EFTKappa-44] Adds a new button to the profile editor allowing for an easy character reset.
- [EFTKappa-36] Quests can now be ignored
- Ignored tasks behave slightly differently than completed tasks read about the differences here: Tasks
- Updates several pages in the documentation
- Updated the UI for the Task Graph view
- Slightly change how the multi select works
- Task nodes in the graph view now support more context actions
- Activate
- Complete
- Ignore
- Go To Wiki
- Added more settings
- Settings can now be hidden to allow for more graph rendering space
- Updated the UI for the Task List view
- Changed how actions are invoked for tasks. Tasks must be selected first, then actions are dispatched using the new actions button.
- Updated Task Item and Dashboard views to allow ignoring and completing tasks