Profile vs Characters
EFT-Kappa uses a small hierarchy to track your progression data.
The user profile is directly tied to your login. When you login to the site information is used from the OAuth provider to create a unique account for you.
The profile is very lightweight and only serves a few purposes:
- Providing a Unique profile name
- Character ownership
- Character permission sharing
The character is where all of your Tarkov progression is tracked. A profile can have many characters associated to it. There is currently no limit to the number of characters a profile can have, however, it safe to assume that 2 characters will always be available (one for PvP and one for PvE)
The character is where the bulk of the data is tracked, it is responsible for the following:
- Character information
- Level
- Name
- Faction
- Target Task
- Progression
- Quest Progress
- Quest Item Progress
- Quest Priority
Sharing (Under Development)
When a character is created it is associated to the profile that created it. This relationship is special and is the owning relationship.
The profile that owns a character will be able to assign read/write permission sharing with other profiles.
There are two types of character sharing under development:
- Profile to Profile sharing
- The Character owner would explicitly share their character with another profile. They can assign read only or read/write permission per profile
- Anonymous sharing
- The Character owner can elect to share their profile with everyone (no need for others to log in). This type of sharing would only allow read access and would require a special link to access.