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Manage Characters

Edit Character

You can edit all of your character details in the Profile page. All operations will be performed on the currently selected character.

You can perform the following actions:

  • Rename Character
  • Update Character Level
  • Change Faction
  • Update Target Task
  • Reset Task progression
  • Reset Item progression
  • Delete Character data
  • Force a recalculation of the internal task priority.

Actions cannot be "undone". If you reset your progression or delete your character... It's gone.

Create a New Character

You can create a new character from the Profile page. In the top Profile section you will see a button New Character. Clicking this button will update the character form, simply fill out the information and click save.

The website will refresh with the new character selected.

Selecting a Character

If you have more than one character, you can select your active character from the left side-nav. Simply click the dropdown with your character name and you will be presented with all of your characters.

Login Prompt

After selecting a new character, the site will reload with that characters progression loaded.

Multiple Characters?

Yes. Users can create many characters and manage isolated progression on a single login.

Cool, but why?

There are probably several reasons a user might want several characters. However, some common use-cases are:

  • PvP and PvE progression
  • Account resets
  • Fake character to model possible quest routes
  • Hardcore/Challenge Accounts


  • Limit: None
    • Currently users can create as many characters as they would like, however, it is possible that a limit is enforced in the future.
  • Historical Characters: Not Supported
    • EFT Kappa uses data that is automatically updated to match any patches or updates. This means all Characters will be subject to pruning or other actions to align the progression data to the current model. If you would like to have a historical record of your previous wipe progression, it is recommended to take screenshots.