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New Wipe

Its wipe day, what should I do?

It is recommended to reset your character progress for PvP characters. If you want to keep a historical record of your previous wipe progress, you should take screenshots. As updates are made to the game EFT Kappa will be automatically updated to reflect the changes. These changes could alter old character progression, so keeping old characters around is not really useful.

Wipe your character

Resetting all progress is the recommended approach. Here is how you do it in EFT-Kappa

  1. Navigate to the Profile page.
  2. Ensure the correct character is selected.
  3. Select your Faction
  4. Select your Target Task
  5. Click Wipe Character

That's it. All of your character progression should be reset, additionally all new tasks will be checked/added and your task order priority will be updated.

Good luck!

Reset Partial Progress

Character progress is divided into three parts

  • Character Information
  • Task Progression
  • Item Progression

These parts can be reset individually to emulate a wipe.

"Reset" Character Information

  1. Navigate to the Profile page.
  2. Ensure the correct character is selected.
  3. Change your character level to 1
  4. Update your Faction
  5. Update your Target Task
  6. Click Save

Reset Task Progression

  1. Click Reset Tasks

Reset Item Progression

  1. Click Reset Items